
The development of the Faculty of Design is mainly seen within the development of the social environment. Our work is designed for the needs of the environment in which we are involved and from which the demand arises which the acquired knowledge can realize.

In the future, we will pay special attention to the quality of the performance of studies, we will strengthen the international mobility of professors and students, and scientific, research and artistic activities.

Development Areas:


– Monitoring global trends in design, material science and technology.
– Recording the needs of the Slovenian economy and crafts in the development of new brands and products.
– Creation of expert multidisciplinary teams from Slovenian and foreign experts from the academic and economic sphere.
– Preparation of conceptual designs and prototypes of new products in terms of aesthetics, functionality, technological feasibility, ecological integrity and market attractiveness.
– Publication of findings and examples of good practice.


The priority of the Faculty of Design is the foundation of the so-called. “Triangles of knowledge” (education – research – economy). Through research tasks and practical work, students focus on creative design environments. As a result, the educational process actively works and strengthens the links with the economy and research institutions, which in the long term provides networking between carriers and knowledge users.


– Implementation of study practice in industry.
– Transfer and integration of specialist expertise in the field of design, materials, technologies and marketing.
– Participation in market research and monitoring of modern global trends.
– Interdisciplinary professional advice in the development of new products in terms of design, materials, technologies and market attractiveness.


Laboratory for Creative industries

It promotes research and development work, where development projects and new products are created. The work of the laboratory enables the students of the Faculty of Design to practice within the home institution, with the support and cooperation of the industry in the design projects. The importance of design, in conjunction with and for the industry in favor of the Slovenian economy, also includes designing to enhance the visibility of products

Contact information:

Head of Laboratory for Creative industries
Assist. Prof. Mojca Perše
Phone: 059 23 5008

Lecturer Tamara Hajdu, MA
Phone: 059 23 5003

Helena Knap
Phone: 059 23 5003

Laboratory for Product design

Laboratory activities are carried out at the same time at the research, development and educational level, as the laboratory is equipped with modern technology for computer design and construction of textiles and textile and clothing products, as well as equipment for weaving, knitting and printing textile materials and equipment for prototype production of textile and clothing products. A metal design studio will also be involved in exploring the link between textiles and metal, and will apply metal to various textile products for man and interiors.

Contact information:

Head of Laboratory for Product design
Lecturer Almina Duraković, MA
Phone: 059 23 5009

Laboratory for Visual communications

It is intended for ideas, research, strategies and activities that are important for the dynamic and efficient design of visual communications. The Laboratory actively participates in the organization of international workshops, public events, summer schools … It connects with industry, companies and development centers. Students within the laboratory carry out practices in direct contact with subscribers

Contact information:

Head of Laboratory for visual communications
Asst. Prof. Domen Lo, MA
Phone: 059 23 5001


The Career Center of the Faculty of Design was established with the intention to prepare FD students and graduates for effective entry into the labor market by helping them to build employment competences during their studies.

1. Career Center Activities:
– advising students on career planning and in building job competencies,
– help in the preparation of quality presentation maps (portfolios)
– getting to know the profession (visiting potential employers),
– getting acquainted with the entrepreneurial environment and business communication,
– helping to establish international links and employment opportunities,
– organization of free conferences and workshops

2. Involvement of students in Career Center activities:
The Career Center for students organizes lectures, seminars and presentations from various fields related to their professional orientation.
Career Center also works with career centers of other higher education institutions in order to ensure the transfer of knowledge and examples of good practices.

3. Free services for employers:
In order to achieve the set goals, we offer potential employers the following possibilities of free cooperation:
– announcements of vacancies, student works, practices and competitions,
– announcements of calls for staff scholarships,
– employers’ presentations and job opportunities.

If you are interested in cooperating with us (as a student or employer), or if you need additional information about the activities of the Career Center, you can contact the Head of the Career Center, Assist. Veroniko Gruden, MA, Phone. number 059/23 50 02 or via e-mail:


The house for design management and innovation is a space where science, art and economy are joined. In HDMI, we strengthen the way to competent social articles in science and art. The mentioned articles are an integral part of design, which is becoming more prominent in today’s (21st century) and takes on a holistic function in the economy. In HDMI, different training courses and round tables take place on the basis of topical social topics. We are currently experiencing a problem that burdens the physiological and safety needs of man. And these two needs are for the existence of the Earth and for us the most important. They are dependent on the progress, implementation and absorption of knowledge from sustainable development. Therefore, we invite leading and internationally recognized names in the fields of design, environmental protection, social ethics, morale and management to guest lectures and in their circles. We strive towards a path that leads to knowledge and shaped sustainable design in all aspects of sustainable development.

In the Design management, located in HDMI, we are educating ourselves on a daily basis in the field. Among them are also professional workers who unselfishly transfer knowledge with the latest data and research to students. We participate in various projects in cooperation with companies and explore the ways in which ways and how to introduce modern thinking and organization (DM), also in organizations with a long tradition. When we mention the DM, we are talking about the organization of a company with a focus on the design and organization of work in interdisciplinary / transdisciplinary time. The House of design will be intended for the promotion and advertising of patents and products that were created during pedagogical education by students and mentors. And for this purpose, every school year we organize a final rapture called Design Explotion. We also offer a gallery space for the year-end project work


Purpose of Aluminum Club:

– to enable cooperation between different generations of our graduates and networking,
– to establish and develop cooperation between the FD and our graduates and, consequently, the environment in which you create your careers,
– to maintain the affiliation of the school and to promote the achievements of the members of the club, thus contributing to a greater recognition of graduates both at home and abroad,
– contribute to the further development and promotion of FD.

What Alumni Club offers to you:

– connecting graduates,
– networking,
– participation in professional and social events organized by FD,
– regular information on current announcements, tenders and competitions,
– 10% discount on the payment of a fee for various LLP programs (courses, summer schools, workshops).

Who can join us?
Members of the Alumni Club FD can become FD graduates and Istituti Callegari graduates.

Work with us!
The performance of the Alumni Club will depend primarily on your cooperation. Many of you are accompanied by a success story. Share it with other members of the club or with future graduates and co-create their career path. In the Alumni Club you can act as lecturers, run round tables, contribute an article or news, help organize alumni events, or sponsor alumni events. Any help or idea is welcome. Send your valuable comments, suggestions and suggestions to


Veronika Gruden, MSc
Phone: 059 23 5002