
At the Faculty of Design we strive for quality international cooperation. The main goals are cooperation between educational institutions, between faculty and enterprises, economic institutions (teaching EU experts), cooperation with partner institutions in student projects and workshops, and organization of practical training for visiting students. Defining goals enabled us to conduct exchanges at a higher quality level, within the formed network of partnerships, the knowledge of the lecturers is being upgraded, and the training of students has been planned by the project.

Exchanges to the institution are normally carried out within the EU Erasmus + program. At the Faculty of Design in the Erasmus + program we have been working since the academic year 2006/2007. For the exchange of staff and students from partner institutions other than the EU countries, we use other support programs, national (for example, the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Human Resources and Scholarship) or international (eg grants based on bilateral agreements between countries, CEEPUS).



In order to promote, raise awareness and the role of design in the development of a sustainable society and design as an interdisciplinary intellectual process that is oriented towards the application and application of research results into final products, the Faculty of Design in Ljubljana established an interest group named ALICE (Architecture | Landscape | Interiors | Culture | Emotions). Group A.L.I.C.E. is intended for both professionals, teachers, pedagogues as well as students who will participate in various levels, with various contributions and in various interdisciplinary projects.

GIDE, Group of International Design Education
GIDE is an international consortium of higher education institutes in the field of design, which are collaborating with the purpose of enriching the experience of students in the field of 3D, architecture and interior design. The consortium was established in 2003. The group consists of seven partner institutions from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia and Scotland. In 2014, the University of Jingyao Vuxhi from China joined the platform.

DME – Design Management Europe
The purpose of the association is to promote design management as a way of working in the economy. The role of the FD is to carry out DME promotion every spring and nominate Slovenian companies to run for the DME award. In 2013, the FD became a full member of the DME.

WDO – World Design Organization ™
WDO is an international non-governmental organization that promotes industrial design and its ability to create better products, systems, services and experiences; a better business environment and economic operators; and, last but not least, a better environment and society. WDO has a special advisory status in the United Nations Organization. It consists of 140 members from 40 countries around the world. FD became a member of the association on January 1, 2017.

In 2018, the FD set up an international platform to support sustainable design, which will spread awareness of the need to use the 3D concept, green technology, human relations in human resource management, user-friendly design solutions. Several artistic and scientific-research events were organized on selected topics, in cooperation with students, mentors and economic operators. In 2019 we will strive to work towards the implementation of the platform in a wider national and international environment.

BEDA – The Bureau of European Design Associations
BEDA is a non-profit organization with 46 members from 28 Member States in Europe. The members are design associations and other publicly funded organizations that promote design at national or regional level, as well as professional and trade associations for designers from all over Europe. The association represents 400,000 designers from all over Europe. BEDA is based in Brussels.

ECBN – European Creative Business Network
The European Creative Business Network (ECBN) is a unique not for profit foundation, founded in 2011, promoting the interests of the cultural creative industries in Europe. Given the diversity of cultural expressions as well as of cultural and creative markets across Europe, ECBN works – on purposes indirectly and decentralized – by supporting leading agencies, funders and intermediaries on local, regional and/or national level to help them support their cultural and creative entrepreneurs.

NEB – New European Bauhaus
New European Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls.

3C Awards
The 3C Awards is a group of design awards established to inspire and encourage creative minds. The awards offer designers and students from all over the world a unique opportunity to reach new markets and gain media exposure.

EAIE: European Association for International Education
The EAIE is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. Non-profit, member-led organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions.

Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI)
EMUNI’s mission remains inclusive growth and development are increasingly contingent upon the advancement of knowledge and innovation. Peace, security and prosperity in the Euro-Mediterranean region continue to be the highest priority for the participating states. EMUNI, with its vast network of more than 130 Universities from over 30 Euro-Mediterranean States, is more than just a conventional university. It is a university that operates through true partnership with other universities. It is a resilient network of collaborating higher education institutions from across the Mediterranean and it is also a platform for inter-cultural dialogue and science diplomacy.